Workplace Management Ohno Pdf

Oj6F9DMw9Y/VVjKu-xPXnI/AAAAAAAAAFU/RYVK8TH_pBI/s1600/7%2Bmudas.jpg' alt='Workplace Management Ohno Pdf' title='Workplace Management Ohno Pdf' />Workplace Management Ohno PdfStandard Work definition, purpose, and tools. Standard Work Combination Sheet, Yamazumi, Standard Work Chart, and more Excel templates for standardized work. Chapter 1 Introduction Izumi Ohno, Kenichi Ohno, and Sayoko Uesu The Kaizen philosophy assumes that our way of lifebe it our working life, our social life, or our. TPS Lean Manufacturing GlossaryABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZALLSee Glossary Explanation, Disclaimer, Invitationa. Visual Workplace, Visual Factory A workplace organization toolprocess that maximizes the cleanliness, organization, and safety of all elements in a working environment. S so named for its 5 primary undertakings Sort Remove all unneeded items from the workplace. Set In Order Make a place for everything and put everything in its place. Shine Thoroughly clean and inspect everything in the work area preventative cleaning also applies. Standardize Maintain the improvements through discipline and structure. Sustain Continue to support 5. Workplace Management Ohno Pdf' title='Workplace Management Ohno Pdf' />S efforts through auditing, job descriptions that include maintenance of the system, management support and expectations, etc. Note 5. S efforts almost always improve workplace safety, operator morale, quality, and throughput. It can also be very impressive to visiting customers and prospective clients. Click HERE to see some photos that show great examples of 5. S organization principles at their best. TOPa. k. a. 5 Whys 1 How A pen and paper tool for discovering the root cause of a problem or issue. Example 1st Why Why is there oil on the floorAnswer after investigation It is leaking from a hose. Why Why is oil leaking from this hoseAnswer after investigation The hose is rubbing on a fan belt. Why Why is it rubbing on the fan beltAnswer after investigation The fan belt housing is very loose. Why Why is the fan belt housing so looseAnswer after investigation Some of the bolts that hold it in place are missing or broken off. How How do we fix the problemAnswer Replace the hose and fan belt, remove broken bolts on fan belt housing and replace with new ones, torque all bolts to proper specifications, check bolt torque with regular preventative maintenance. Note You probably noticed our example only includes 4 whys. The number of whys is much less important than finding and fixing the root cause of the problem you are having. TOPA scientificdata driven approach for achieving 6 standard deviations between the mean and nearest specifications limit. Six Sigma methods can be applied to all aspects of manufacturing, transactional processes, and virtually any form of work or processing. Comments In application we have found a Lean Manufacturing approach to correcting serious problems and realizing significant gains followed by using 6 Sigma methods to fine tune and realize further gains to be a very effective strategy. Many now use the term Lean Sigma to reinforce the cooperative nature and capabilities of each improvement tool. TOPa. k. a. 7 Deadly Wastes of Manufacturing, 7 Sins of Manufacturing, etc. The 7 wastes are activities identified and categorized as non value adding events or processes that limit profitability in a company. First identified by Taiichi Ohno of Toyota, the 7 Wastes are as follows simplified1. Overproduction Making more parts than you can sell. Delay Waiting for processing, parts sitting in storage, etc. Transporting PartsMaterials Moving parts to various storage locations, from process to process, etc. Over Processing Doing more work to a part than is required. Inventory Committing money and storage space to parts not sold. S narzdzie stosowane w lean management szczupym zarzdzaniu, ktrego celem jest stworzenie oraz utrzymanie dobrze zorganizowanego i bezpiecznego. Original Article. A CaseControl Study of HIV Seroconversion in Health Care Workers after Percutaneous Exposure. Denise M. Cardo, M. D., David H. Culver, Ph. D. Our cubicle farm office of about 90 people is undergoing lighting wars. One person asked to have the lights above his cube removed because the glare gave him. Motion Moving parts more than the minimum needed to complete and ship them. Phim Me Ke 2 Cua Thai Lan on this page. Making Defective Parts Creating parts that cannot be sold as is or that must be reworked etc. Note 1 This is a terrific list and is commonly accepted as all inclusive. Of course being Improvers we add Innovation as 8 which includes failing to tap into the human potential and creativity of your workforce. We contend that this is perhaps among the greatest failures and wastes in manufacturing today. Note 2 Another waste, Re prioritization 9 if you will, has also become more accepted in the Lean community. It is the practice of incurring waste by doing things like changing from one project or run of materials etc. This may cause increased losses due to setups and customer delivery delays etc. This is the commonly known practice of someone in authority declaring a job HOT and prioritizing it to the the detriment of other jobs customers needs. TOPAA costing system that identifies the various activities performed in a firm and uses multiple cost drivers non volume as well as the volume based cost drivers to assign overhead costs or indirect costs to products. ABC Costing considers the impact and relationship of cost drivers with activities performed. Example Every widget you produce was sitting in a building that you are paying for. Therefore every widget has cost added to it by virtue of it being in your plant. Consider also the electricity, water, air conditioning, etc. TOPA methodology for determining inventory levels based on value, space consumption, and turns. Example Generally the following rules apply A type inventory is very expensive keep as little on hand as is reasonable so you dont tie up too much cash in inventory. B type inventory is only moderately or middle of the road expensive Minimize this inventory to free up cash also, but if you have a little extra it wont break the bank. C type inventory is fairly inexpensive If it consumes little space and costs very little dont lose any sleep over it. That said, you should keep this inventory to a reasonable minimum as well. Note There is much more to explain on this topic, but this should get you started when engaging in an inventory reduction process. TOPA Visual Control device that indicates the Status of a machine, line, or process. Frequently audible alarms or warning messages accompany ANDON status lights as a secondary method of communicating a problem has arisen. ANDONS are typically color coded with these generic colors Green Normal OperationsYellow It is time for a changeover or planned maintenanceRed A problem has occurred, the machine or line is DOWN, and Urgent attention is needed. Comments As Lean practitioners we have seen ANDON lights and warning sounds be very effective in certain settings and within a disciplined Lean culture. Conversely, we have seen them very much ignored and therefore disconnected due to their annoying qualities and lack of discipline. ANDONs can be very effective in highly automated processes to alert support personnel of problems who must attend to several automated processes at a time or are not located in close proximity to the machines they oversee. TOPStopping a machine automatically or without intervention when a defective part has been created. Comments Some forms of Autonomation do include human intervention to detect defective parts but the ideal is to have a machine detect a defective part and then correct the problem on its own. Autonomation devices can be very complex involving sensing equipment, lasers, scales, etc. This method typically causes a backing up of the system which at some point triggers a shut down switch or alarm to gain operator attention to the problem. TOPSoftware tools that provide customers and customer service representatives access to product order delivery dates in real time while on the phone placing orders or shortly after the order has been taken. Stevie Nicks Crystal Visions Zip. Ressourcen, Templates und Vorlagen Kostenlose Ressourcen, kostenlose Templates und Vorlagen fr Ihre tgliche Arbeit in der Prozessverbesserung. Die Vorlagen wurden von Januar 2. Dezember 2. 01. 6 1. Gefallen Ihnen diese Tools, empfehlen Sie die Werkzeuge bitte weiter. Gerne knnen Sie dies ber entsprechende Links auf www. Unterseiten tun. Legen Sie den Link in Ihrer Favoritenleiste ab, haben Sie jederzeit Zugriff auf die Werkzeugsammlung. Trotz aller Open Source Alternativen hat sich fr mich MS Office als beste Plattform fr die einzelnen Tools herauskristallisiert. Es ist am Weitesten verbreitet. Seit neuestem arbeite ich mit MS Office 3. Die Tools sind jedoch fr Office 2. Kompatibilitt zu gewhrleisten. Meine Excel Empfehlungen. Eine Methode zur einfachen und schnellen bertragung Ihrer Daten vom Messmittel nach Excel finden Sie auf der Seite von bicsolu. Das richtige Buch zu Six Sigma, Lean, Kaizen, Toyota Produktionssystem. Six Sigma. Leanlt span. Meine Powerpoint Empfehlungen Hilfreiche sonstige Quellen im Internet. Alle Beitrge thematisch geordnet finden Sie unter der Startpage. Das synchrone Produktionssystem Just in time fr das ganze Unternehmen. Gemba Kaizen A Commonsense, Low Cost Approach to Management. Lean Thinking Ballast abwerfen, Unternehmensgewinn steigern. The Sayings of Shigeo Shingo Key Strategies for Plant Improvement Japanese Management SeriesDer Toyota Weg Erfolgsfaktor Qualittsmanagement 1. Managementprinzipien des weltweit erfolgreichsten Automobilkonzerns. Gemba Kaizen A Commonsense Approach to a Continuous Improvement Strategy. Qi. P Qualitt im Prozess. Leitfaden zur Qualittssteigerung in der Produktion. Taiichi Ohnos Workplace Management Special 1. Birthday Edition. Wertstromanalyse. WPM Wertstromorientiertes Prozessmanagement Effizienz steigern Verschwendung reduzieren Ablufe optimieren Wertstromdesign. Agile Prozesse mit Wertstrom Management Ein Handbuch fr Praktiker Bestnde abbauen Durchlaufzeiten senken Flexibler reagieren. Wertstromdesign Der Weg zur schlanken Fabrik VDI BuchLEANDas synchrone Produktionssystem Just in time fr das ganze UnternehmenDieses Buch bietet einen guten Einstieg in die Verfahrensweisen des Lean Managements, wie es z. B. von Toyota eingesetzt wird. Der Inhalt ist leicht zu lesen und die Theorie wird mit vielen Praxisbeispielen aufgelockert. Fr jeden, der plant in seinem Produktionsbetrieb Synchrone Produktionsmethoden einzusetzen, ist dieses Buch ein guter Kauf. Gemba Kaizen A Commonsense, Low Cost Approach to Management. Gemba is the place where value adding activities take place. Decisive results can be achieved by focusing improvement activities in gemba. The author encourages managers and professionals to spend time in gemba to see what is happening and to encourage the front line workers. General George S. Patton could easily be described as a gemba man he encouraged officers to go to the scene of the action instead of trying to lead from a headquarters in the rear. He also recognized the role of the frontline worker soldier in achieving results. As a result, the troops under Pattons command won amazing and seemingly impossible victories. Companies that want to hold their market share and capture their competitors must understand this lesson. Imai does not discuss Patton, but the historical parallel is obvious. My books The Way of discuss General Carl von Clausewitz friction in a workplace context. Friction includes seemingly minor inefficiencies and problems whose combined effects degrade the organizations performance. Imai uses the word muda waste, and stresses the need to suppress it. Tom Peters says, The accumulation of little items, each too trivial to trouble the boss with, is a prime cause of miss the market delays. Thriving on Chaos. Muda is essentially the same thing as friction. Imai also mentions muri strain, which arises from inadequate training, poor ergonomic design, and inadequate preventive maintenance. Muri is another form of friction. Imai also discusses tools like 5. S CANDO CANDO clearing up, arranging, neatness, discipline, and ongoing improvement. S CANDO is another tool for reducing friction. Imai discusses Just in Time JIT as a tool for reducing inventory and improving product flow. Readers of Eliyahu Goldratt and Jeff Coxs The Goal will appreciate this section. Synchronous flow manufacturing SFM is treated in detail in Leading the Way to Competitive Excellence The Harris Mountaintop Case Study. The idea of JITSFM is to produce goods in response to customer demand, not to keep people and equipment busy. Imai discussess a mattress factory that uses this approach it not only keeps inventory down, but it can offer far more product lines. This is a key tool for going after niche small, specialized, customized markets. William A. Levinson Lean Thinking Ballast abwerfen, Unternehmensgewinn steigern Der Erfolg in der Praxis zeigt Lean Thinking macht aus den einzelnen Unternehmensbereichen, die am Produktionsprozess beteiligt sind, ein hoch effizientes Netzwerk, das so dicht wie mglich am Kunden arbeitet. An zahlreichen Beispielen von erfolgreichen Unternehmen aus verschiedenen Kontinenten zeigen die Autoren, wie die fnf Grundprinzipien des Lean Thinking umsetzbar sind und wie man mit ihnen Produkte und Prozesse optimiert. In dieser neuen Auflage gehen die Autoren in einem exklusiven Beitrag auf die Erfolgsgeschichte von Lean Management in Deutschland ein. The Sayings of Shigeo Shingo Key Strategies for Plant Improvement Japanese Management SeriesShigeo Shingo is truly one of the most under rated quality gurus out there. His methods and genius rank with Deming and Juran, but are much more easily applied. If you are interested in SMED, Constraint Management, Poka Yoke or continuous improvement READ THIS BOOK The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook A Quick Reference Guide to 1. Tools for Improving Quality and Speed. Vital tools for implementing Lean Six Sigmawhat they are, how they work, and which to use The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook is todays most complete and results based reference to the tools and concepts needed to understand, implement, and leverage Lean Six Sigma. The only guide that groups tools by purpose and use, this hands on reference provides Analyses of nearly 1. Install Vrml Viewer here. DMAIC and Pull Systems to Control Charts and Pareto Charts. Detailed explanations of each tool to help you know how, when, and why to use it for maximum efficacy. Sections for each tool explaining how to create it, how to interpret what you find, and expert tips. Lean Six Sigma is todays leading technique to maximize production efficiency and maintain control over each step in the managerial process. With The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook, youll discover how to propel your organization to new levels of competitive successone tool at a time. Klicken Sie auf die einzelnen, unten stehenden Links und Sie gelangen zum Thema und den entsprechenden Excel Dateien. Das Bild mit allen Links zu den Themen knnen Sie als pdf Werkzeuge2.